Masthead- Its big and bold in
a creamy yellow, in capital The headline is Lennon, this is the 2nd most. Its tells us what the
letters and spaced out a little, magazine is most likely to be on. Its also in a creamy yellow, like
too show that its separate letters the masthead, its in capitals and a sans-serif font this makes it alot
not one word. its in a sans-serif easier to read and looks good.
font, which shows the magazine
isn't really formal. Underneath A pug at the top of the page it tells you what is featured in the magazine.
the masthead there is a puff saying Its been put in a yellow circle so the audience look at it, its been placed
'New Musical Express' this tells under a hook which the audience will look at first not only because of
the audience what NME stands the visual syntax but because its above the masthead and the word
for and also if people don't know 'FREE' is bold and in a different colour, so the audience is instantly
what type of magazine it is, it tells drawn to it.
people that its a music magazine.
This is an white serif font.
There is a pug saying 60 years of The magazine also speaks directly to the audience which is under the
NME this is self promoting and headline, The magazine is asking the audience about who they voted
lets people know that its a special for, which is pulling the audience in.
magazine as its 60 years OF NME.
This is also classed as a coverline.
The house style is very organised and simple, but effective and looks
A strap-line/pull quote under the good, apart from the different font sizes to add emphasis nothing is
headline is also making the that eye catching with the writing, however there is a big MCU shot of
audience interested in whats in John Lennon, which is a very high quality image and he is showing eye
the contents of the magazine, and contact, and as its black and white it complements the colour of fonts
makes people want to know what and suits the simple housing style.
else they will say about Lennon in This magazine cover shows that the audience to this magazine are
the magazine. middle aged men, who are very laid back and is a middle/working
class person. this is all through the housing style. they wont care
if its pretty or not, and if the writing is fancy, just as long as its
clear and easy to read, that why the audience is 30+ men.